It seems Twitter makes the world turn nowadays. To stay ahead, many professionals are turning to social media for the latest trends and innovations.
Whether it is breaking news of disruptions or industry events, the platform can help provide minute-by-minute updates on daily issues affecting supply chains. But it can also be a bit of a minefield for professionals just wading into the social media waters, with gifs and political rhetoric overtaking actionable information.
Here we present 10 twitter accounts all supply chain leaders ought to follow, so that fresh ideas and quick industry news will rise to the top of their feeds.
Your daily news fix from industry bloggers

Martijn Graat @LogisticsMatter
Based in Rotterdam, Graat runs Logistics Matter, writing an article on industry topics roughly twice a month. Most importantly, though, Graat is an excellent curator and uses his Twitter feed to share industry news from around the web at least once an hour — if not more.

David W. Weaver @Weaver_davidw
Based in Germany, Weaver is the editor of All Things Supply Chain Blog and frequently retweets industry news. However, he brings the highest value with his commentary on the articles he reads, which helps his followers separate wheat from chaff.
#Blockchain technology - potential way to create a digital representation of the #supplychain for all kinds of food?
— David W. Weaver (@Weaver_davidw) November 23, 2017

Cathy Roberson @cmroberson06
Founder and head analyst for Logistics TI and one of Supply Chain Dive's 2017 influencers, Roberson both actively curates news in her Twitter feed and provides on-the-spot analysis for major events. She will frequently engage with other Twitter personalities, making her feed a lively place to follow.
The journalists behind your daily news
Keeping up with each link in the supply chain is a tough task for anyone — including the journalists tasked with covering the beat. Below, we present a few of our favorite colleagues to follow, with their unique takes on the diverse space.

Eric Johnson@AmShipEric
A journalist for American Shipper, Johnson mainly covers the freight industry and related technology. However, his tweets also include commentary on current events and "a dash of politics."

Paul Page@PaulPage
As deputy editor of the Wall Street Journal Logistics Report, Page tweets out the days' news with an often witty twist. Follow his colleague Erica E. Phillips (@EEPhillips_WSJ) to enjoy their occasional banter on supply chain topics, too.
But when will Santa start using blockchain?
— Erica E. Phillips (@EEPhillips_WSJ) November 21, 2017

Megan Cassella@mmcassella
Cassella is one of the writers of POLITICO's Morning Trade, which overviews shifts in trade policy on the daily. For an insider's view of NAFTA, CPATPP and tariff drama, follow her.

Mark Szakonyi@Szakonyi_JOC
As the executive editor of, Szakonyi often has access to breaking news in the ocean freight industry, first. If he hears of a port strike, slowdown or important new merger, he'll often tease the news on his feed, too.
A few social media-savvy businesses to watch

The transportation management system-based 3PL may give news outlets a run for their money with the speed, scale and insight with which they tweet.

Manhattan Associates@ManhAssocNews
The technology provider has a Twitter account dedicated to sharing supply chain news, sharing some of their favorite content a few times a day.

Of the various associations, CSCMP is most active on Twitter — sharing not just company news, but also news from around the web throughout the day.